1Z0-043 Exam
Oracle Database 10g: Administration II
* Exam Number/Code : 1Z0-043
* Exam Name : Oracle Database 10g: Administration II
* Questions and Answers : 217 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-05
* Price: $ 98.00
1. Manually, you set the consumer group of all of the newly created users to MYDB_GRP. You want the users to be able to change their consumer groups as per the application requirement.
What was the first step that was needed in the process to achieve this objective?
A. The user must have been granted the DBA role.
B. The user must have been granted the switch privilege as a part of a role.
C. The user must have been granted the Resource Manager administrator privilege.
D. The user must have been granted the switch privilege by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.
Answer: D
2. You enabled Automatic Shared Memory Management. The initialization parameters are set as shown below:
Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. A maximum of 3 GB can be allocated to shared pool.
B. The value for SGA_TARGET can be increased up to a maximum of 14 GB.
C. A total of 14 GB memory will be allocated to the automatically tuned memory components.
D. Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET will automatically increase the memory allocated for STREAMS_POOL_SIZE.
E. Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET to 12 GB will automatically increase the memory allocated to autotuned parameters.
F. Reducing the value for SGA_TARGET to 9 GB will automatically decrease the memory allocated to shared pool from 3 GB to 2 GB.
Answer: BE
3. You execute the following command to enable a session in resumable mode:
What is the impact of a timeout on the statements being suspended?
A. The statements remain suspended for at least 60 seconds.
B. The statements are suspended for 60 seconds and then they are executed.
C. The suspended statements error out if the problem is not rectified within 60 seconds.
D. The statements are automatically suspended 60 seconds after an error is received, and then attempt to execute normally again.
Answer: C
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