640-553 Exam
IINS Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
* Exam Number/Code : 640-553
* Exam Name : IINS Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security
* Questions and Answers : 133 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-07
* Price: $ 100.00
1. Which of these correctly matches the CLI command(s) to the equivalent SDM wizard that performs similar configuration functions?
A. Cisco Common Classification Policy Language configuration commands and the SDM Site-to-Site VPN wizard
B. auto secure exec command and the SDM One-Step Lockdown wizard
C. setup exec command and the SDM Security Audit wizard
D. class-maps, policy-maps, and service-policy configuration commands and the SDM IPS wizard
E. aaa configuration commands and the SDM Basic Firewall wizard
Answer: B
2. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is correct based on the show login command output shown?
A. When the router goes into quiet mode, any host is permitted to access the router via Telnet, SSH, and HTTP, since the quiet-mode access list has not been configured.
B. The login block-for command is configured to block login hosts for 93 seconds.
C. All logins from any sources are blocked for another 193 seconds.
D. Three or more login requests have failed within the last 100 seconds.
Answer: D
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