1z0-042 Exam
oracle database 10g:administration i
* Exam Number/Code : 1z0-042
* Exam Name : oracle database 10g:administration i
* Questions and Answers : 148 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-05
* Price: $ 98.00
1. Which step do you need to perform to enable a user with the SYSDBA privilege to log in as SYSDBA in iSQL*Plus?
A. The user must be granted the database administrator (DBA) privilege.
B. The user must be listed in the password file for the authentication.
C. No special setup is needed for the user to connect as SYSDBA in iSQL*Plus.
D. Set up a user in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) user manager, and grant the webDba role to the user.
Answer: D
2. Which two statements are true about the primary key constraint in a table? (Choose two.)
A. It is not possible to disable the primary key constraint.
B. It is possible to have more than one primary key constraint in a single table.
C. The primary key constraint can be referred by only one foreign key constraint.
D. The primary key constraint can be imposed by combining more than one column.
E. The non-deferrable primary key constraint creates an unique index on the primary key column if it is not already indexed.
Answer: DE
3. Which two statements regarding the LOGGING clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE. .. statement are correct? (Choose two.)
A. This clause is not valid for a temporary or undo tablespace.
B. If the tablespace is in the NOLOGGING mode, no operation on the tablespace will generate redo.
C. The tablespace will be in the NOLOGGING mode by default, if not specified while creating a tablespace.
D. The tablespace-level logging attribute can be overridden by logging specifications at the table, index, materialized view, materialized view log, and partition levels.
Answer: AD
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